- # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ -> Move to the repos directory
- # wget http://www.alcancelibre.org/al/server/AL-Server.repo -> Download the AL-Server (Alcance libre) repository.
- # yum -y install ntfs-3g -> This will install the ntfs-3g packages
- # fdisk -l -> Read the partition table and marks the NTFS partitions
- Create the directories to mount the NTFS partitions
- # ntfs-3g /dev/device /directory-to-mount
/dev/device1 /directory-to-mount1 ntfs-3g defaults.locale=es_ES.utf.8 0 0
/dev/device2 /directory-to-mount2 ntfs-3g defaults.locale=es_ES.utf.8 0 0
Finally you will have the NTFS filesystem available on Centos.
To learn more about this check this link: Original Page